Lily Worrall

the corner (2016)

6 min 42 secDigital Video / Colour / Sound

Lily Worrall’s work, the corner, is a site-specific installation that transformed her rented family home into a magic lantern. This moving image work was projected outward, with curtains and blinds functioning as makeshift cinematic screens. Exhibited at night, the corner poured onto neighbouring fences and houses, as flickers caught passers by.

For this work, Worrall projected hand-held footage of domestic scenes, cropped fragments of family members, paintings, furnishing; an ode to a late family pet and an estranged sibling. These close-up images explore the excesses of the family archive, the contents that are left outside the picture's frame.

Other works by Lily Worrall

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.