Currently based in Vietnam, Martin Rumsby has an extensive career as a filmmaker, writer, exhibitor and distributor. Rumsby's films include Aqualuna (2011), Landscapism (2008), Brown's Barbeque (2006), Driveway (2006), The Overlander (2006), For Dots (2003), American Sketchbook (2000), Vistas (1985), Fanfare (c.1984), and Science Fictions (1981). One concern of Rumsby's work has been to produce source documents, videos, and audio relating to New Zealand art. More recent videos, available on Rumsby's YouTube channel include, Monsoon (2021), Cambodian Buddhism Parts 1–3 (2021), Customs of Old Angkor (2021), Cambodian Future (2021), Confucius in Vietnam (2021), Kampot After Dark (2020), Ngoc Loan (2020), and Walk Around & Cyclo, Ho Chi Minh City (2020). Rumsby’s writing about art and experimental film can be viewed at