Leala Faleseuga

5 videos a day: Experiment 2 (2015)

3 min 58 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Silent

A series of images from the artist's everyday life are overlaid to reveal the hectic and profound universe of family.

"This work was created by setting myself strict parameters to create a process, to steadfastly capture my life at the time. This footage was intended for use as refutation of other footage, which spoke to the dusky-maiden stereotype.

I used my phone (easily accessible tech) and set 5 alarms a day in which I would record one minute of footage, wherever I was in my day. This was process-driven over aesthetics and beauty, the task being to capture my life with a repeatable process.

I took this footage, and again being driven by process rather than looks, plus my recurring themes of layering, blended it in Premier into mashups of the days. To me, this footage represented the antithesis to the piece it intended to refute, which relied on stereotypes and dreamy facades.

My footage was unceremonious, blunt, and true. My processes of layers and cycles of analogue / digital treatment and re-treatment were utilised, and spoke to my life at the time, as a mother alone, a student, a person. Time repeats and compresses upon itself, the duties and the labour stack upon each other, as do the moments of joy and love."

—Artist's statement

Other works in this series

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.