Tao Wells

$895 a Day Welfare Conference (2011)

Single channel / Colour / Sound

Outside the Amora Hotel in Wellington a group of protestors hold placards protesting government cuts to the unemployment benefit.

A person speaks into a loudspeaker and says “…we are all vulnerable at times of our lives and we are entitled to support”.

Cars arrive, including a news crew vehicle.

The camera pans past placards whose statements include - “Parenting is a full time job”, “The poor can’t pay more”, “Invest in the disabled”.

Another man speaks angrily into a microphone, protestors draw slogans on the pavement, a voiceover by Tao Wells describes being threatened by security.

A member of the news crew asks a protestor why they are protesting, they reply because the welfare conference costs $895 a day to attend and “people can’t participate”.

Other works by Tao Wells

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.