Noel Meek

Awa Orotau: River Attunement (2023)

12 min 20 sec3 channel installation / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

In a time of hydrological crises, we ask how being kōpūwai, being watery, can help us navigate this age. Towards this, Awa Orotau: River Attunement, explores being in tune with the world by being in tune with water and its mauri. The video was shot in the Pigeon Bay stream on Horomaka / Banks Peninsula at Hays Reserve, a tiny piece of remnant old growth forest preserved by Pākehā landowners. This was one of the cleanest, safest rivers available locally to Ōtautahi.

Other works by Noel Meek

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.