Can I be in your Video? is part of a four video series set in both Tauranga Moana and Te Tai Poutini. The series references the narrative of Tamaahua and his chase across country from Tuhua (Mayor Island) to the Arahura River in search for Waitaiki and Poutini.
This work shows the construction of a camera obscura tent on an isolated beach of Te Tai Poutini. Reminiscent of late 1800s surveyors tents, the camera obscura tent simulates the three-legged taipō, a surveying tool Māori referred to as a goblin. The opposing channel shows the inverted tent scenes of Lake Wahapo and Kā Roimata o Hine Hukatere (Franz Joseph Glacier).
The narrative portrays a map of important geological deposits, highlighting significant sites for numerous hapū and iwi.