"This is my most autobiographical video. In Labyrinth (1986), I am played by the young Jennifer Connelly. Trapped in a metaphorical maze (which does strongly resemble the movie set of the Jim Henson film) I wrestle with my own inner demons. The soundtrack is provided by a Louise Hay self-help tape. I think this video reveals that I have never been good at practicing ‘affirmations.’ I think it also reveals that the relationship between ‘Jared’ and Jennifer Connelly was always a bit weird. But perhaps overall, it reveals how much I loved the film Labyrinth and how much I wanted to look like Jennifer Connelly. Still do."
Edited footage from Fantasia (1940) and 9 1/2 Weeks (1986).
A work about art, pathos, and nonsense.
A Kate Moss advert from the 1990s is overlaid with a sequence from Fantasia.