Rebecca Ann Hobbs

Māngere Mall (2011)

4 min 28 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

"Mangere Mall is a celebration of waacking, a style of street dance that originates from Black and Latino gay nightclubs of 1970s Los Angeles. The dance references I’ve made above are decidedly white, and Mangere Mall is a place not commonly associated with whiteness. Nor is it here, in the video art of Rebecca Ann Hobbs.

Framed by the arched canopies of the Mangere Town Centre, its columns painted with motifs of palm trees, the VOGUE dance crew strut, pout and pose to the syncopated rhythms of the soundtrack. The camera jumps and cuts, like an arm out of waack. For those not in the know: ‘…a basic 'waack' is a movement of the arm, but waacking developed to consist of arm movements, footwork (which can take inspiration from jazz, house, tap etc.) and elements of drama, all of which are largely unique to the individual dancer."

Megan Dunn

Other works in this series

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.