Bruce Barber / Mark Harvey

My Left is Your Right (2018)

23 min 22 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

"My Left is Your Right which included the gifting of buttons to members of the public was first performed in 2005, a time of Federal Government controversy and pre-election antics, with a group of students in a New Genre and Public Art class taught by Bruce Barber at NSCAD University. The piece was reintroduced in summer of 2018 during New Zealand artist Mark Harvey’s visit to NSCAD, where he exhibited work at Anna Leonowens Gallery and performed one of his key works around the Halifax Citadel, a National Military Historic Site. After some discussion, Bruce and Mark decided to re-perform My Left is Your Right (blue button) and introduce another button, My Right is Your Left (red button). This collaborative performance is documented in the exhibited videotape." - Artist Statement

Other works by Bruce Barber

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.