Brit Bunkley

Natural Intelligence (2024)

2 min 47 sec (excerpt) of 7 min 11 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

This video is a scrapbook of dreams of (or by) animals inhabiting a world without humans. Natural Intelligence is "intelligence created by nature, natural evolutionary mechanisms,"—as opposed to artificial intelligence. With it, "there is a dynamic movement of natural intelligence that evolves from vague, fuzzy, and unconscious states to more concrete and conscious states, and thus realizing the essence of perception" (Leonid Perlovsky and Robert Kozma (eds.), Neurodynamics of Cognition and Consciousness, 2007, p. 1). It is beautiful and deeply flawed, but it levels out in the end.

Brit Bunkley

Other works by Brit Bunkley

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.