"I have not edited the Kate Moss 'Obsession' (1993) advertisements at all; even the soundtrack is original. I have simply overlaid the visual sequence from Fantasia's (1940) Night On Bald Mountain. The emaciated cartoon demons subtly accentuate Kate Moss’s own status as a waif. The towering devil that rises above her (and from within her) could represent a lover or demanding inner critic. Skeletons rise from their graves. What is love? Love is a word. Obsession."
Edited footage from Fantasia (1940) and 9 1/2 Weeks (1986).
A work about art, pathos, and nonsense.
Footage from the move Labyrinth is overlaid by audio from a Louise Hay self-help tape.
The Threats and Seductions of Mass Media
Emma Ng spends some screen time at Image Processors: Artists in the Medium – A Short History 1968–2020 at the Adam Art Gallery Te Pātaka Toi.
Summer Reading Series #2: The Miracle that is my Body
In CIRCUIT's 2015 Summer Reading Series we asked six writers to respond to a work that left an indelible impression on them. Victoria Wynne-Jones responds to Megan Dunn's suite of video works made in the 1990s.