Passing over a series of inner-city sites, the Space Tree glides in perpetual movement. Like a mysterious extra-terrestrial organism, it flourishes in countless directions, defying conventional patterns of growth whilst seeming to follow a pre-determined web. Although not yet manifest in the local ecosystem, sustenance for the Space Tree comes from its continuous visits to Auckland locations including the cemetery, Zoo, and city centre. Finally, it bursts beyond the boundaries of the city. The combination of the Space Tree's organic growth and virtual interconnectedness represents both a technological fantasy and a mirror of the dynamic nature of our modern world.
Drone operator: Jae Hoon Lee
Computer Graphics and Animation: Alex Lim
Commissioned for Wild Wild Life by Auckland Council in association with CIRCUIT, presented by Te Ahurei Toi o Tāmaki Auckland Arts Festival.
A year of leaves digitally scanned and compiled into one continuous vertical cycle.
The artist records a sequence following his stay in a village on the Burmese/Thai border.
Documentation of a performance in which the artist lies down on top of a coffin and stretches.
The camera continuously tracks over a used keyboard.
Wild Wild Life: Artist Talk
Artists Layne Waerea, Leala Faleseuga, Gavin Hipkins, Jae Hoon Lee, Gabriel White and Tia Barrett discuss their video works for Wild Wild Life with curator Mark Williams.