Super Toy is a part of the ongoing series TOKI/Cyborg Project: game, pop, and cyber world, a project which focuses on character modeling. It considers how boy game culture encourages the fantasy of the perfectly constructed female body. Super Toy concentrates on the process of modeling TOKI’s body, specifically her nipples and genitalia. It demonstrates the struggle involved in sexual stimulation, which culminates in ecstasy. The soundtrack features the clicking of a computer mouse, used in digital manipulation but also referencing the electrifying sensations of desire and arousal.
The simulated body parts in Super Toy reveal contrasting attitudes by male and female toward the body, sexual power relations, and toward and during erotic encounters. By focusing on and manipulating the sex organs, the female can both give and receive pleasure; through the instrument of his ‘super toy,’ the male can do the same. Super Toy alludes to plastic surgery and the suggestion of that this is an acceptable practice in order to construct ideal beauty and desirability. Plastic surgery techniques promoted to Asian women also include the process of ‘vaginal rejuvenation’ for cosmetic purposes and, of course, breast enlargement.