Julian Dashper

Untitled (The Last Second of the Last Venice Biennale) (2007)

1 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

"Untitled (The Last 15 Seconds of the Last Venice Biennale) (2007-08) and Untitled (The Last Second of the Last Venice Biennale) (2007-08) clearly continue this exploration of temporality and art world rituals... Given the circumstances, it’s hard not to also see these works as a contemplation of mortality, a subject I never discussed with Dashper, perhaps as an awkward elephant in the room. But we did talk at length about how people tend to focus on openings and beginnings and seldom consider the way things develop and end – the winding down of a cycle that seems to become an embarrassing afterthought as the biennale becomes an increasingly abandoned ghost town, much like an autumnal decline after the acceleration from spring into summer. When we celebrate an end-point, we acknowledge everything that has happened so far."

Andrew Clifford

Other works by Julian Dashper

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