Julian Dashper stands in front of his green Untitled (O) painting, discusses it's making and concept.
"The significance between types of linen canvas, preparations and priming, and the painting white of a white canvas are all distinctions he makes in the extended hour-long monologue of Untitled (this painting) (c.2003), which may be an uncatalogued work or simply an extended artist statement made to camera – this has been exhibited as an audio recording. His ‘performance’ is filmed in front of his green Untitled (O) painting, which he notes is a counterpart to the orange ‘O’ that resides in the collection of the Stedelijk Museum, Amsterdam. He describes how the two paintings were made, noting details like the canvases’ creases and a drip of paint on each that makes them more ‘real’, despite the painting being a recreation of the ‘O’ in the Ilford logo, now reproduced within a video of the painting. His stream-of-consciousness tale of the event-triggered decision-making that led to the paintings’ creation forms a kind of oral biography of the work; what Dashper describes in the video as a download of the painting’s hard drive, relieving him of having to explain the painting again, and becoming a time-based variant or stand-in for both the painting and the artist."