Ivan Mrsic

Marcel Matters (2014)

4 min 28 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

Marcel Matters is a response to Marcel Duchamp's works that arose from his interest in optics and chance. This idea was active from 1920-1935, and was taken up by others, including Man Ray in his 1925 film Anemic Cinema (an anagram), in which he created the first optical illusions, a machine aesthetic.

In 2008 I visited the National Museum of Catalonia in Barcelona, where for the first time I saw Duchamp's lithographs Rotoreliefs (1935/53), and the sculpture Rotary Demisphere (1925), but of course they had no movement. I decided to make something in video based on what I had seen, and create sound from my imagination. I made the video in 2009 but added sound 4 or 5 years later.

Artist's statement

Other works by Ivan Mrsic

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