This Matariki, CIRCUIT is pleased to present Te kahui o Matariki (2021) by Kauri Wharewera (Ngāti Porou, Ngāti Awa, Tūhoe, Te Whānau ā Apanui, Ngāti Kahungunu). Te kahui o Matariki is CIRCUIT's second annual Matariki commission for Masons Screen and runs 6 July–2 August 2021. Te kahui o Matariki is curated by Israel Randell.
Kauri Wharewera is a Papaioea-based Māori artist who creates digital tukutuku using photography techniques and a laser pointer. Informed by his taamoko practice, Wharewera uses the laser as a type of uhi, etching into the darkness to reveal light.
Kauri's moving image acknowledges each star in the Matariki cluster and the role they play individually and collectively. “I’m interested in how we come together during this critical time of year both spiritually, physically and economically."
During the making of Te kahui o Matariki, Wharewera has been listening to the 0800 Matariki podcast as a point of reference weaving it into his own understanding, however, star navigation has always been important to his practice and his iwi.
Israel Randell (Tainui, Ngāti Kahungunu, Cook Islands) was CIRCUIT’s 2020 Mana Moana Resident and is currently exhibitions curator at Whakatāne Museum & Arts.