"Blodlopp directly interprets the graphical representations of the immune system and its agents. When producing the costumes I observed that T-cells look similar to fried eggs and that pathogens are illustrated in sort of sausage shapes. I grafted these diagrams onto the body. The cellular costumes also qualify as inventive costumes. The costumes in Blodlopp are like hyper-semiotic signals for an auto-immune disease that sets in when a corporeal system attacks its own host’s healthy body parts. Or, with another conceptual perspective, it’s as if the racial aspect changes and power relations discussed by Franz Fanon and Homi Bhabha have been ignored to the point of political lethargy.
The work was the result of a joint residency between Fremantle Arts Centre and SymbioticA Labs, the biological arts facility at the University of Western Australia. Blodlopp poses questions about society and our relationship to cellular behaviors. Blood cells were marked with e coli bacteria and recorded via microscopy as they slowly died."—Amanda Newall