Peter Wareing

Trailer: Who spends the time? Some practical questions concerning the democratic process and personal responsibility (Parts A, C and B) (2017)

56 sec4 channel installation / Digital Video / Colour / Black & White / Sound

Trailer for Peter Wareing’s four screen video installation Who spends the time? Some practical questions concerning the democratic process and personal responsibility (Parts A, C and B).

The installation consists of interviews with supporters of Bernie Sanders and Jeremy Corbyn, each of whom discuss their participation in the candidates national electoral campaigns. The interviews are juxtaposed next to 5 monitors displaying fictional scenes from the US and UK, each of which hints as the radicalisation of a white working class individual. Actors from the fictional work take on the role of interviewers, where they play their 'real selves'.

This work has previously been shown in development as part of the 2017 CIRCUIT Symposium / Artist Week.

For exhibition enquiries contact Mark Williams,

Other works by Peter Wareing

CIRCUIT is the
leading voice
for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
critical review and
which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.