Dick Whyte

Waiting For El Godot (2010)

2 min 35 secSingle channel / Digital Video / Colour / Sound

A mashup of Sesame Street's Waiting for Elmo from 'Monsterpiece Theatre' and Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot.

“The mind, placed before any kind of difficulty, can find an ideal outlet in the absurd. Accommodation to the absurd readmits adults to the mysterious realm inhabited by children.”

Andre Breton

"This video is my way of paying respect to the Theatre of the Absurd, in all its guises. Sesame Street (1969-) was one of the most radical children's television shows of its time—in terms of formal experimentation, compassionate identity politics and avant-garde humour (along with The Muppets). Samuel Beckett, likewise, was one of the most experimental and radical playwrights of his time. Both dedicated much time to an investigation of the 'absurd' as meaningful discourse."

Dick Whyte

Other works by Dick Whyte

CIRCUIT is the
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for artist moving image
in Aotearoa New Zealand,
distributing works,
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which reflect our unique, contemporary
South Pacific context.