It's international Women's Day folks, and to celebrate we put together this collection of 10 works by women that have not yet appeared in any of CIRCUIT's curatorial programming thus far. Which doesn't mean they won't in the future, or you couldn't do it, of course! Ok! Let's begin.
1) Jo Bragg - How to water the roses (3) (2015). Part of a recent wave of new feminists emerging in Wellington, Jo Bragg's work has a smart push-pull take on the sheen of chocolate box romance, and a whole lot of other things, of course.
2) Bek Coogan - Radical Fusion (2004). A stone-cold classic of NZ artists video and yet unknown to most, this brilliant send-up of 70s male performance journeys from the artschool workshop into the zany stratosphere of a full moon drum circle, in which the white plinth becomes a makeshift bongo. Can we send this woman to 'off-Venice'?
3) Darcell Apelu - Slap (2014). "Some of my family members did not approve of my tattoos and I wanted to reflect the huge amount of disapproval that comes within families and the shame that someone can bring to their family within Polynesian communities.” - DA
4) Yvonne Todd - Denim Seagull (2013). As if the still from this video wasn't enough to make you thump your head against your monitor, the soundtrack ratchets up the grief, like watching Alfred Hitchcock paint a wall. Read an interview with Yvonne here.
5) Sarah Hudson - Manatū Ahu Matua (2014). "An exploration into the impact of introduced species and practices on the whenua in Aotearoa. This is part of a larger series of photographs that are interested in the ethics and impact of our 'Primary Industries' on the land, the people, and in turn, the atua." - SH
6) Lucy Aukafolau - Passengers from Invisible Territories (2013). Soon to be part of an international group show themed around the Trans Pacific Partnership (TPPA) at the Art Gallery of Greater Victoria in British Columbia, Invisible Territories suggests the ocean not as border/barrier but in Pacific Island terms, as an extension psycho-geographical space. Read this essay by Epeli Hau'ofa if you don't believe me.
7) Judy Darragh - POP Ghost (2004) "This was shot from the kitchen window - the TV screen is reflected in the glass and the image appears outside on the lawn. This was a nightly occurrence as I made dinner for my young son and he watched cartoons. The 1sec moment repeats endlessly trapped in a time bubble." - JD
8) Jasmine Te Hira - Where the sea fell into the ocean (2014). There's a sense of process in this work by Jasmine Te Hira, which ultimately stands out for it's sheer playfulness, it's lightness.
9) Heather Hayward - One second in New Orleans (2014). While it seems impossible to leave this out in a post entitled 'works you might have missed', One Second in New Orleans awaits its fate as a Curatorial Studies exemplar - exactly how, where and in what context would you programme this work?
10) Alex Monteith - Pause the Rising Tide (excerpt) (2001). While Alex's practice has since moved on into vastly different and accomplished territory, this early mini-feature has a dizzying visual dexterity and ambition of its own that leans more on cinematic history than her recent work. Ask her about it at her next opening. Go on.