Founded in 2012, CIRCUIT Artist Moving Image is a non-profit arts agency that supports New Zealand artists working in the moving image. We:
commission new artworks
distribute artworks in partnership with galleries, film festivals, and on our website
commission and publish critical essays, interviews with artists, and podcasts
present symposia and other professional development activities
He mea whakatū a CIRCUIT Artist Moving Image i te tau 2012. He umanga toi hua-kore tēnei e tautoko ana i ngā ringatoi kiriata. Ko tā mātou:
he tono mahi toi hou
he tuku haere i ngā mahinga toi mā te mahi ngātahi ki ngā wharetoi me ngā huihuinga kiriata, mā tā mātou pae tukutuku hoki.
he tono, he whakaputa hoki i ngā tuhinga arotake, i ngā uiui a ngā ringatoi me ngā īpāho
he whakahaere huihuinga me ētahi atu kaupapa whakangungu
Our values
Te Tiriti o Waitangi is the founding document of Aotearoa New Zealand and CIRCUIT is committed to the principles of biculturalism and partnership between tangata whenua and tauiwi that Te Tiriti articulates.
Art that explores new modes of making and engages with diverse communities and discourses adds value to contemporary society.
Digital technologies allow artists to build audiences and engagement with their work.
Artists should be paid for the exhibition of their work.
Critical conversations extend the reach and understanding of artists’ work.
Ō mātou uara
Ko Te Tiriti o Waitangi te tūāpapa o Aotearoa New Zealand, ā, kei te ū a CIRCUIT ki ngā mātāpono o te noho tikanga-rua me te hononga ki waenganui i te tangata whenua me tauiwi ki raro i Te Tiriti.
Ka whai hua te papori o te ao hou nei i ngā mahinga toi e tūhura ana i ngā toi hou, e whakapāpā atu ana ki ngā hapori me ngā kaupapa kōrero rerekē.
Mā te hangarau matihiko ka āhei ngā ringatoi ki te whakarahi ake i te nui o ngā kaitirotiro, ki te whakapāpā atu hoki ki a rātou.
Me whai pūtea ngā ringatoi i ngā whakaaturanga o ā rātou mahi.
Mā ngā kōrero arohaehae ka whakawhānuihia te toronga atu me te māramatanga ki ngā mahi a ngā ringatoi.
Staff and board of trustees
CIRCUIT’s activities are overseen by a Director supported by staff in production, administration, technical, and distribution roles, as well as curatorial residencies held by local and international practitioners.
CIRCUIT’s Director is Mark Williams.
CIRCUIT is supported by a board of trustees, comprising:
Aaron Lister – Chairperson
Christina Barton
Martin Patrick
Ana Iti (Te Rarawa)
Sam Stephens
Cameron Fleming
CIRCUIT is a registered charitable trust (CC49184). CIRCUIT’s activities are supported by Creative New Zealand, the Arts Council of New Zealand.
Ngā kaimahi me te poari whakahaere
E whakahaerehia ana ngā mahi a CIRCUIT e tētahi Kaiwhakahaere rātou ko ngā kaimahi. Ko tā rātou, he hāpai i ngā mahi whakaputa, i ngā whakaritenga ā-tari, i ngā tūnga hangarau me ngā mahi whakarato me ngā nōhanga toi o ngā kairaupī nō konei, nō rāwāhi anō.
Ko Mark Williams te Kaiwhakahaere o CIRCUIT i tēnei wā.
E tautokona ana ngā mahi a CIRCUIT e tētahi poari whakahaere, arā, e:
Aaron Lister - Heamana takirua
Christina Barton
Martin Patrick
Ana Iti (Te Rarawa)
Sam Stephens
Cameron Fleming
He whakahaere hua-kore rēhita (CC49184) a CIRCUIT. E tautokona ana ngā mahi a CIRCUIT e Toi Aotearoa, arā, te Arts Council of New Zealand.
CIRCUIT Safe Space Policy
CIRCUIT strives to provide a safe space for all, regardless of gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, physical ability, appearance, neurodiversity, physical appearance, body size, ethnicity, nationality, race, age, or religion.
Harassment and harmful behaviours towards anyone at our offices, public events or on our digital platforms (including social media) will not be tolerated. Perpetrators of such behaviour will be asked to leave immediately.
Harassment and harmful behaviour include but is not limited to:
Racist, sexist, classist, transphobic, homophobic, ableist, religiously bigoted comments.
Intimidating and bullying behaviour.
Failure to respect other’s boundaries.
Inappropriate sexualised behaviour or advances.
Our goal is that all people feel supported and welcomed in our spaces, and we take your safety and wellbeing seriously. If you have any concerns, and/or experience any inappropriate behaviour while you are in a CIRCUIT space, please notify a member of our staff, or email us on info@circuit.org.nz
E whakapau kaha ana a Circuit ki te manaaki i ngā tāngata katoa, ahakoa te tū me te āhua o te ira tangata, ahakoa te hōkakatanga, te āhei o te tinana, te āhua, te tū o te pūio huhua, te āhua o te tinana, te rahi o te tinana, te ahurea, te whenua, te iwi, te pakeke me te whakapono.
Kei te tino whakahē mātou i te takahi tangata me ngā momo whanonga kino ki roto i ō mātou tari, i ō mātou huihuinga, ki ā mātou pae matihiko (waihoki ko ngā paepāhopori) rānei. Ka tonoa te hunga e mahi ana i ērā mahi ki te puta atu i te whare i taua wā tonu.
He momo takahanga, he whanonga kino ēnei mea e whai ake nei:
Ko ngā kōrero e whakahē ana, e whakaiti ana rānei i te iwi, i te ira, i te tūranga rānei o te tangata i te hapori, i tōna huri ki ira kē rānei, i tōna tū hei takatāpui, i tōna tū hei tangata whaikaha, i tōna whakapono rānei
Ko te mahi whakamataku me te whakawetiweti
Ko te takahanga o ngā tauārai o te tangata
Ko ngā momo whanonga taitōkai me te whakatīwheta hemahema
Kei te whai mātou kia hāpaitia, kia manaakitia hoki te tangata ki roto i tō mātou whare, he take nui kia noho haumaru koe, kia noho āhuru hoki koe ki konei. Me he āwangawanga āu, ki te rongo rānei koe ki tētahi momo whanonga hē i a koe i CIRCUIT, tēnā koa whakapā mai ki ō mātou kaimahi, me tuku īmēra mai rānei ki info@circuit.org.nz