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199 Artists
199 ngā Ringatoi
2 works
Jim Allen
3 works
Jim Allen
Gabrielle Amodeo
3 works
Gabrielle Amodeo
Fiona Amundsen
4 works
Fiona Amundsen
Hana Pera Aoake
3 works
Hana Pera Aoake
Darcell Apelu
10 works
Darcell Apelu
Shahriar Asdollah-Zadeh
3 works
Shahriar Asdollah-Zadeh
Cat Auburn
3 works
Cat Auburn
Lucy Aukafolau
4 works
Lucy Aukafolau
Bruce Barber
20 works
Bruce Barber
Tia Barrett
3 works
Tia Barrett
Denise Batchelor
9 works
Denise Batchelor
Miranda Bellamy
7 works
Miranda Bellamy
Kate Belton
3 works
Kate Belton
Jamie Berry
5 works
Jamie Berry
Stephanie Beth
2 works
Stephanie Beth
Annie Bradley
2 works
Annie Bradley
Jo Bragg
21 works
Jo Bragg
Stella Brennan
12 works
Stella Brennan
Anna Brimer
1 work
Anna Brimer
M D Brown
3 works
M D Brown
Brit Bunkley
24 works
Brit Bunkley
Joyce Campbell
1 work
Joyce Campbell
Steve Carr
14 works
Steve Carr
Lydia Chai
4 works
Lydia Chai
James Charlton
4 works
James Charlton
The chronicle of <_______>
1 work
The chronicle of <_______>
Eddie Clemens
3 works
Eddie Clemens
Johannes Contag
1 work
Johannes Contag
Bek Coogan
5 works
Bek Coogan
Tim Corballis
3 works
Tim Corballis
Matthew Cowan
9 works
Matthew Cowan
Phil Dadson
27 works
Phil Dadson
Judy Darragh
5 works
Judy Darragh
Julian Dashper
10 works
Julian Dashper
Andrew de Freitas
5 works
Andrew de Freitas
Callum Devlin
2 works
Callum Devlin
John Di Stefano
1 work
John Di Stefano
2 works
Cushla Donaldson
6 works
Cushla Donaldson
Kirsten Dryburgh
1 work
Kirsten Dryburgh
Laura Duffy
9 works
Laura Duffy
Megan Dunn
4 works
Megan Dunn
Meighan Ellis
3 works
Meighan Ellis
Leala Faleseuga
7 works
Leala Faleseuga
Sione Faletau
13 works
Sione Faletau
1 work
Angel C. Fitzgerald
4 works
Angel C. Fitzgerald
Max Fleury
5 works
Max Fleury
James R Ford
3 works
James R Ford
Wesley John Fourie
7 works
Wesley John Fourie
Matilda Fraser
3 works
Matilda Fraser
Richard Frater
1 work
Richard Frater
Bryce Galloway
6 works
Bryce Galloway
Matthew Galloway
6 works
Matthew Galloway
Robert George
3 works
Robert George
Sandy Gibbs
17 works
Sandy Gibbs
Neihana Gordon-Stables
4 works
Neihana Gordon-Stables
Sean Grattan
12 works
Sean Grattan
Sam Hamilton
15 works
Sam Hamilton
Claire Harris
5 works
Claire Harris
Mark Harvey
15 works
Mark Harvey
Brent Hayward
2 works
Brent Hayward
Heather Hayward
6 works
Heather Hayward
Hiona Henare
1 work
Hiona Henare
Jeff Henderson
6 works
Jeff Henderson
Murray Hewitt
34 works
Murray Hewitt
Mike Heynes
13 works
Mike Heynes
Gavin Hipkins
15 works
Gavin Hipkins
Rebecca Ann Hobbs
5 works
Rebecca Ann Hobbs
Colin Hodson
5 works
Colin Hodson
Julia Holden
6 works
Julia Holden
Rangituhia Hollis
12 works
Rangituhia Hollis
Bronwyn Holloway-Smith
5 works
Bronwyn Holloway-Smith
Ben Holmes
9 works
Ben Holmes
Amy Howden-Chapman
1 work
Amy Howden-Chapman
Li-Ming Hu
1 work
Li-Ming Hu
Sarah Hudson
6 works
Sarah Hudson
Melissa Irving
5 works
Melissa Irving
Ana Iti
3 works
Ana Iti
Bena Jackson
4 works
Bena Jackson
Ary Jansen
2 works
Ary Jansen
Caroline Johnston
1 work
Caroline Johnston
Jill Kennedy
4 works
Jill Kennedy
Jake Kīanō Skinner
1 work
Jake Kīanō Skinner
Sonya Lacey
5 works
Sonya Lacey
Martin Awa Clarke Langdon
1 work
Martin Awa Clarke Langdon
Hye Rim Lee
17 works
Hye Rim Lee
Jae Hoon Lee
8 works
Jae Hoon Lee
Kerry Ann Lee
1 work
Kerry Ann Lee
Yona Lee
3 works
Yona Lee
Dilohana Lekamge
2 works
Dilohana Lekamge
Ziggy Lever
6 works
Ziggy Lever
Xi Li
5 works
Xi Li
Janet Lilo
3 works
Janet Lilo
Lara Lindsay-Parker
8 works
Lara Lindsay-Parker
Len Lye
4 works
Len Lye
Theo Macdonald
8 works
Theo Macdonald
Vea Mafile`o
5 works
Vea Mafile`o
Richard Maloy
7 works
Richard Maloy
Raewyn Martyn
2 works
Raewyn Martyn
Natasha Matila-Smith
4 works
Natasha Matila-Smith
Anton Maurer
1 work
Anton Maurer
Johanna Mechen
3 works
Johanna Mechen
Noel Meek
5 works
Noel Meek
Lissa Mitchell
2 works
Lissa Mitchell
Alex Monteith
10 works
Alex Monteith
Janaína Moraes
1 work
Janaína Moraes
Ivan Mrsic
7 works
Ivan Mrsic
Amanda Newall
4 works
Amanda Newall
Michael Nicholson
5 works
Michael Nicholson
Gray Nicol
10 works
Gray Nicol
Shannon Novak
5 works
Shannon Novak
Maria O'Connor
1 work
Maria O'Connor
Seung Yul Oh
3 works
Seung Yul Oh
James Oram
8 works
James Oram
Richard Orjis
1 work
Richard Orjis
Samuel Ostermann
11 works
Samuel Ostermann
Rachel O’Neill
5 works
Rachel O’Neill
The Parasitic Fantasy Band
8 works
The Parasitic Fantasy Band
Miranda Parkes
10 works
Miranda Parkes
Emily Parr
8 works
Emily Parr
Sarah Jane Parton
8 works
Sarah Jane Parton
Campbell Patterson
6 works
Campbell Patterson
Joanna Margaret Paul
13 works
Joanna Margaret Paul
3 works
Niamh Peren
3 works
Niamh Peren
Kim Pieters
7 works
Kim Pieters
Alex Plumb
7 works
Alex Plumb
Elisabeth Pointon
3 works
Elisabeth Pointon
Grant Priest
1 work
Grant Priest
popular productions
4 works
popular productions
SJ Ramir
6 works
SJ Ramir
Janine Randerson
10 works
Janine Randerson
Ahilapalapa Rands
1 work
Ahilapalapa Rands
Christina Read
2 works
Christina Read
Bridget Reweti
3 works
Bridget Reweti
Marlon Rivers
2 works
Marlon Rivers
Lucien Rizos
3 works
Lucien Rizos
Brydee Rood
5 works
Brydee Rood
Nigel Royal
5 works
Nigel Royal
Rachel Ruckstuhl-Mann
1 work
Rachel Ruckstuhl-Mann
Tanya Te Miringa Te Rorarangi Ruka
3 works
Tanya Te Miringa Te Rorarangi Ruka
Martin Rumsby
16 works
Martin Rumsby
Obadiah Russon
1 work
Obadiah Russon
Martin Sagadin
2 works
Martin Sagadin
Marie Shannon
3 works
Marie Shannon
Rachel Shearer
3 works
Rachel Shearer
Erica Sklenars
2 works
Erica Sklenars
Kahurangiariki Smith
2 works
Kahurangiariki Smith
Samin Son
5 works
Samin Son
Sorawit Songsataya
2 works
Sorawit Songsataya
ZK Steiner-Fox
3 works
ZK Steiner-Fox
Edwina Stevens
2 works
Edwina Stevens
Candice Stock
1 work
Candice Stock
Susu 蘇子誠
2 works
Susu 蘇子誠
Gemma Syme
4 works
Gemma Syme
Suzanne Tamaki
6 works
Suzanne Tamaki
Nahora Ioane and Tanu Gago
1 work
Nahora Ioane and Tanu Gago
Jasmine Te Hira
3 works
Jasmine Te Hira
Terri Te Tau
2 works
Terri Te Tau
The Observatory Project
4 works
The Observatory Project
Nathan Thompson
2 works
Nathan Thompson
Mike Ting
6 works
Mike Ting
Yvonne Todd
1 work
Yvonne Todd
Nat Tozer
4 works
Nat Tozer
Christopher Ulutupu
9 works
Christopher Ulutupu
Terry Urbahn
7 works
Terry Urbahn
Kate van der Drift
1 work
Kate van der Drift
Ronnie van Hout
2 works
Ronnie van Hout
Antonia van Sitter
1 work
Antonia van Sitter
Daniel von Sturmer
2 works
Daniel von Sturmer
Richard von Sturmer
5 works
Richard von Sturmer
Layne Waerea
8 works
Layne Waerea
Tim Wagg
5 works
Tim Wagg
Sandy Wakefield
3 works
Sandy Wakefield
Arielle Walker
5 works
Arielle Walker
Holly Walker
9 works
Holly Walker
Justine Walker
4 works
Justine Walker
Kate Walker
8 works
Kate Walker
Peter Wareing
13 works
Peter Wareing
Clinton Watkins
18 works
Clinton Watkins
George Watson
1 work
George Watson
Ruth Watson
2 works
Ruth Watson
Rohan Wealleans
1 work
Rohan Wealleans
Olivia Webb
3 works
Olivia Webb
Tao Wells
13 works
Tao Wells
Daegan Wells
4 works
Daegan Wells
Kauri Wharewera
1 work
Kauri Wharewera
Gabriel White
15 works
Gabriel White
Dick Whyte
16 works
Dick Whyte
Florence Wild
2 works
Florence Wild
Aliyah Winter
6 works
Aliyah Winter
Kate Woods
2 works
Kate Woods
Lily Worrall
3 works
Lily Worrall
James Wylie
2 works
James Wylie
Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
1 work
Keri-Mei Zagrobelna
Louie Zalk-Neale
3 works
Louie Zalk-Neale
7558 Collective
3 works
7558 Collective